Greetings and salutations, and welcome to my corner of the Internet. I am not a fish in a human suit.
This website is my personal testing ground for my nascent coding hobby, as well as a general area to collect all manner of miscellanea pertaining to my interests. Though the site is likely to be a work-in-progress for the foreseeable future — nay, perhaps the entirety of its existence, it is especially a work-in-progress at this particular moment and as of yet has not been entirely built with public perusal in mind. It has not yet been properly optimized for mobile and is much better viewed on desktop.
Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy your stay in this little antiquarium of mine, however brief it may be. Try not to knock over any of the goods.
If you wish to seek me out elsewhere in the meantime, I can be found at Instagram, Tumblr, and a variety of other online locales.