Sites that belong to friends and acquaintances of mine. I also decided to use this page as an excuse to rhapsodize about their outstanding qualities in a very biased fashion, in case you needed a reason to pay any of their websites a visit. (That is, unless you've visited any of them already?) All three of their wonderful Neocities sites have served as inspiration for me in the process of creating my own.
One day I will craft a page more distinctly dedicated to this purpose, outfitted with much more fanciful and personalized visuals. But for now...this.
Tune your radio to a frequency beyond human comprehension and you may hear the unfalteringly lively dulcet tones of a certain "Owen B." emerge from the static. The enigmatic sovereign of BLUEF00T is many things: founder of Telephony Cacophony, purveyor of comics and arcane comics knowledge, and the artisan behind a whole slew of unique and whimsical band fansites.
It's impossible to tell what this auricular phenomenon will accomplish next. We are all absolutely terrified.
Secret Ability: Inflicting the "manic D&D-induced insomnia" status effect, on me specifically.
Zachary, also known as "Zach", "Ray", or as I like to call him, "Cool Zachary", is a rare kind of person, the kind of exquisitely rare one has to be in order to become a witness to and herald of the Comfort of the Boar Phenomenon. The Boar could not have entrusted a more upstanding individual with the conveyance of its word, as Cool Zachary's way with clever quips and thoughtful remarks is truly to be admired.
Cool Zachary has many accolades, most notably that he is the mastermind behind the project known as Lucifer King, which I follow raptly. He is also oft remarked upon for his fondness for jazz, his kinship with aquatic creatures and their environs, his many years of work in the Toon Resistance, and his ability to time travel.
(Not-So-) Secret Ability: Debilitating handsomeness and an award-winning smile.
A strange, shapeshifting creature of extraterrestrial origin who crash-landed in my backyard several years ago. It is known by many aliases, chief among them being "Eddie", "Sorrell", and "Thing".
Little is known of its history prior to its arrival on the planet Earth, but my experiences with Eddie have been cause for a myrid of vivid imaginings. It possesses quite a rich taste in human culture, from artful films to excellent tunes, and is a prolific artist and storyteller with countless yarns to spin. It is also a spinner of literal yarns with a talent for textile crafts. Many are said to envy it for its knowledge of fish and fishkeeping as well, though its love for the natural world encompasses all sorts of other creatures as well.
Secret Ability: Terrifying and overwhelmingly extensive knowledge about the Ohio State Fair.